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  • The Global Citizen

    The Global Citizen 'Key' allows children to explore some of the global problems which we face, such as poverty, trade, aid, migration and conservation.

    Your pupils will learn all about…

    • The 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development
    • Global Goal 2: Zero Hunger
    • Global Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
    • Global Goal 14: Life below water


    And will love the engaging worksheets and activities looking at…

    • The goals and their significance
    • The difference between trade and aid, their benefits and disadvantages
    • The differences between migrants and refugees
    • Pollution and overfishing, and the effect this has on our seas
    • Sustainable overseas school partnerships


    Which, in turn, will help them to…

    • Understand the 17 Global Goals and their importance for everyone
    • Understand how trade can help and hinder different countries, and how aid is not always the answer
    • Understand the difference between a migrant and a refugee
    • Understand what is happening to our oceans and how they can help as individuals


    Purchase today to get access to the planning leaflet, worksheets, PowerPoint presentations and suggested activities, all of which align with KS2 National Curriculum requirements.


    The 'Key' is also available to purchase as a digital download


    Any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!


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